DreamLand Wiki

Attila's Group is one of the most powerful groups in Dreamland. Their mission is to cause chaos and destruction throughout Dreamland. Strength is what matters in this group. The amount of members is constantly changing. One night it could be 50 and the next 10. However there are the core members of the band who have been with Attila longer than anyone.


Attila's Band
Attila Djay Killa Romuald Akim Fanboy
Mina Violetta
  • Attila, the founder and leader.
  • Romuald, a member that gets special treatment from Attila, being allowed to chose if he wants to fight or not.
  • Fanboy, general even tho he thinks of himself as no weaker than Djay Killa.
  • Akim, just like Romuald he is free to do what he wants.


Attila's Group thrives on violence and chaos. Due to Attila's "Soul of Fire" each member of his groups can receive the power of fire temporarily making his group very dangerous. This group has been linked to many mass genocides in Dreamland like that at The Night of the Black Cat and the destruction of The Wolves people and village.
